An Invitation...
Join us as we live out who God is calling us to be and as we work to improve the world around us. Interested in helping others? We send medical supplies around the word, tend our community garden, support local food shelves, weave mats for the homeless, and more. Have questions about God? We may or may not have any answers for you, but we'd love to talk about it! We are open to discussing the questions we have and the answers we explore. Whether you are celebrating a joyous time of life or struggling through a difficult one, we'd love to walk that path with you.
Our Ministries
Adventurers (Adult fellowship group)
Almost Angels (Children’s choir)
B.Y.O.B (Bring Your Own Brain) Bible Study
Bega Kwa Bega Tanzanian Companionship
Children and Youth Summer Ministries and Missions
Confirmation Class
Community Garden
Dorcas Women’s Circle
Faith Steps (Baptisms, First Communion, Bibles, etc.)
Faith and Film
Gustavus Adolphus Association of Congregations
Holy Folders (Newsletter assembly)
Kids’ Church (Sunday morning ministry with children)
Mats for the Homeless
Men’s Breakfast
Men's Book Study
Prayer and Baptismal Shawls
Prayer Chain
Serving the World with God's Love Sunday
Steeple Singers (Adult choir)
Swedish Dinner
THRIVE (Adult education class)
Together in Grief Group
Visiting Nursing Home Residents and Home Bound
WELCA (Women of the ELCA)
Welcome Ministries
Worship Leaders: Ushers, Readers, Communion Servers, Altar Guild
Women's Retreats